Vantage Connect (General English)

Vantage Student: Essential English for your Future



1.75 billion peoplethat’s one in every four of uscan speak English. It used to be a good idea to know English to get ahead. Today it’s a must. 

If you want to be competitive in tomorrow’s world, knowing English to a competent level is now a “basic” skill. 


Vantage's Connect

Vantage Connect is a comprehensive Essential English course. It's an ideal way to learn English for Mathayom and university-aged students as the content was designed for the 16 to 24 year olds.

Connect has seven English levels that span the A1 to C1 CEFR levels of language proficiency measurement so it's designed to teach beginners to advanced learners of English abililty

Each level contains 20 units, which practice all four language skills of listening, speaking, reading & writing. Connected also teaches grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.


Learn Social with Connect

Vantage Connect employes the power of social media.

Our Learn Social platform recognizes that learning a language is being able to use it in real life situations...with real people.

Learn Social has all the activities you need PLUS the social media tools that allow communication between students in a class and between a student and a Vantage-certified teacher.

Whenever you complete a speaking or writing exercise, your work is first submitted to your study group for what we call "Peer Review." Students can see each other's work and give valuable feedback. And you can improve your answers before submitting them to the teacher.

Peer Review gives you:

Description:  a real audience to speak or write to in an authentic way
Description:  encourages you to reflect on your work and watch out for common mistakes
Description:  is collaborative and communicative

Learn Social is changing the way people learn English onlilne. 


Connect  Blended Learning 

Blended learning is the combined use of traditional classroom teaching with online digitial learning.

In a blended class like Connect, you will do some of your work online following a structured plan.  You will also attend  a weekly class and interact with a native English speaker and Vantage-certified teacher to ensure your learning is backed by professional training...and strong results.

With Connected you can do much of your learning online - anywhere and anytime.

Available on any Device

Vantage Connect can be accessed by computer, tablet or smartphone. It's optimized for any screen size and any device running on any platform.


Offline and Online

Vantage Connect can also be used offline by downloading units to your device. Your results will be automatically updated when your are back online. And it's easy-to-use.


Proof of Proficiency

Connect has a powerful set of reporting tools to track and monitor your progress. Your teacher will use this to identify areas of strength - and areas you still need some help.


The Vantage Placement Test

Get started today!

Come and visit us and take our free Vantage Placement Test to see how well you can use English now.  And how we show you a proven plan of progress to reach your Essential English speaking goals.

We'll show you the Connect way to make it as good as you need it to be.  




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